March 2021

Thursday Tip 1- “Virtual classes” doesn’t mean all the activities have to be on screen.

I know many teachers are raking their brains trying to come up with activities to teach a language online. The most natural approach is question-answer on screen or worksheets to complete and submit. This is quick and easy but not so engaging for our kids. Here are a couple of suggestions/prompts. I added the possible

Thursday Tip 1- “Virtual classes” doesn’t mean all the activities have to be on screen. Read More »

Thursday Tip 2- Give students voice and choice

Traditional teaching is usually one of compliance. Students need to BE QUIET, LOOK at the teacher, LISTEN, and then respond to the teacher’s questions. This usually leads to disengagement because the student is basically PASSIVE. No wonder, during virtual teaching, the disengagement is even more evident. Being away from school and separated from the teacher

Thursday Tip 2- Give students voice and choice Read More »

Thursday Tip 5- Don’t assume your students understood your instructions.

This is hard to do during virtual or in-person classes, but of course, the former emphasizes the challenge. Many times, as teachers, we make many assumptions and think that our kids got it. Probably, they didn’t. Here are some things you can do to ensure comprehension: Focus on one set of directions at a time.

Thursday Tip 5- Don’t assume your students understood your instructions. Read More »

Thursday Tip 7- No matter what you teach, talk about the importance of embracing diversity.

As a mom and a teacher, this past year brought a lot of uncertainties and anxiety about my kid’s education. Are they learning enough? Will they be at their reading level next year? etc. When I manage to relax and see the silver lining, I focus on what’s most important. I want my kids to

Thursday Tip 7- No matter what you teach, talk about the importance of embracing diversity. Read More »