Recommended Books Archives - Cuentacuento Children stories by author Andrea Olatunji (Spanish & Bilingual) Wed, 21 Feb 2024 16:17:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What do children mean when they say they are bored at school? Wed, 21 Feb 2024 15:59:28 +0000 In my second book “Guillo, el armadillo”, the main character, Guillo, starts school happy and excited. He wants to learn and experience new things. Towards the end of the story, he is full of anxiety, doesn’t want to go to school, and, even worse, believes he is not “school material”. What happened? Does this resonate […]

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In my second book “Guillo, el armadillo”, the main character, Guillo, starts school happy and excited. He wants to learn and experience new things. Towards the end of the story, he is full of anxiety, doesn’t want to go to school, and, even worse, believes he is not “school material”. What happened?

Does this resonate at home for you?

Maybe not. You might be on the lucky side, but a recent study by Michael Furlong found that one in eight middle and high school students expressed strong negative beliefs about school, describing it as boring and of low value.

Furlong and his colleagues shed some light on what students may mean when they report boredom at school. Instead of viewing boredom as being limited to a particular subject or classroom, they studied students who report broader unfavorable school attitudes, or a “School Boredom Mindset.”

According to their review of the literature, school boredom may be a signal of internal mindsets, external situations, or a deeper emotional challenge:

·       Trouble with the subject matter or task demands (being over-challenged)

·       A need for more or new sources of stimulation (being under-challenged)

·       Limited interest or motivation in a particular subject

·       A mismatch between a student’s ability and the skill required to complete a task.

·       A low perceived value of what is being taught.

·       Disengagement and dissatisfaction

·       Helplessness and sadness

·       Depression, anxiety, apathy


What can you do as a parent if you think boredom is impacting your child’s well-being?

·      Don’t make assumptions. Instead, ask open-ended questions like, “What do you mean by boring?”, “Why do you think school is boring?”, “Tell me more, please”.

·      Find out what causes the feeling by asking questions like: “Is there a time at school when you are not bored?” “When did school start feeling boring to you?”.

This will help you gauge if the issue is that school is challenging, not so challenging, or if your child is having problems at a social or emotional level. You will be better informed to get the right help.


What to do as an educator or an institution?

·      Get to know your students. What are their passions and talents?

·      Use that to design your curriculum, evaluation formats, and your school culture in general.

·      Ask students for feedback.

At the end of my story, “Guillo” discovers his unique talent, and he is thrilled. When kids feel that they are valued, supported, and that they have something to contribute to their learning environments, school becomes fun.


If you would like to read more about this, I recommend these books: “How Children Fail” by John Holt: and “Don’t let School get in the Way of Education.” by Dr. Anane Olatunji. Releasing in 2024. Sign up to and receive a free chapter.








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Celebrate Books and the Planet Wed, 24 Mar 2021 21:31:27 +0000 Meet these authors and learn about their mission to create books that foster environmental awareness and empathy.

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April is the month to celebrate books and the planet! Here are some of my favorites. If you want to know more about these books and the authors, during the month of April I’ll be chatting with them on my Instagram account. Check them out: @AndreaOlatunji

 Author Pilar Velez
This is the first book of the “Carta a mis sueños” series by the Colombian writer  and president of “Mi libro Hispano” association, Pilar Vélez. Pilar’s many award-winning books and projects aim to promote Hispanic culture and protect our environment. The city of Isabella in the Galápagos islands dedicated a library to her!
“Carta a mis sueños para el planeta Tierra” is an invitation to love and care for our planet. It is written in a way that enhances the language learning process while empowering young kids.  There are activities, resources, and even biographies in this wonderful rendition to our mother Earth.
Author Gina Gallois
 Gina Gallois is a former French teacher who has published books in English, Spanish and French.  In this book “Nuestras amigas las zarigüeyas” Gina teaches us about these interesting animals.
With an interactive approach to the story and highlighted relevant vocabulary, we get to learn many facts about these animals. The illustrations are really beautiful and at the end you can find even more facts, including how the animal is called in different countries. In Uruguay, we call them comadrejas and here in New Orleans, where I live, we see them all the time! (Spanish)
 Author Leticia Ordaz
Leticia Ordaz is a Mexican-American award-winning children’s book author, and Emmy-nominated anchor/reporter in Sacramento, California. With her books, Leticia is committed to promote  diversity.
With thirteen touch and feel textures, “Mr. Macaw’s Paleta Adventure”  takes us on the adventures of  two boys and their kite “Mr. Macaw”. This is perfect for young readers as they want to experience and feel the process. Beautifully illustrated with easy to follow language. (Bilingual)
Author Susana Illera Martinez
Susana Illera Martínez is an award winning Colombian author with over two decades of experience in advertising, marketing, and graphic design.   
“Lala, a different kind of lizard (una lagartija diferente)” has won the Latino Book Award 2nd Place ~ Most inspirational Children’s Picture Books 2020. This is a beautiful book about acceptance and friendship.
Lala feels insecure about revealing to her family that she does not eat insects and her best friend is a spider. After the two friends journey away from the Pond by The Rock, Lala, and Ari discover that our differences make us special and that it’s important to be surrounded by those who accept us the way we are.  (Bilingual)
 Author Cristina Sicard
Cristina Sicard was born in Ohio and has Dominican roots. With a background in journalism and education, Cristina brings us this sweet story with a great message.
Year after year, Sábana the sloth worries about everything. He is convinced his anxiety will never allow him to succeed in life. When he is ready to give up, a new friend helps Sábana recognize his worth.
Sábana and Lula are characters the author hopes to connect with individuals and elevate diversity and inclusion. (English)
Author Alexis Ruginis
Raised in Colombia and bilingual, Alexis Ruginis and her sister Janike Ruginis have teamed up to create Veoleo,a small press that focuses on producing board books  entirely in Spanish to emphasize language immersion,  and storylines that are witty, fun, interesting, and infused with Latin American and Caribbean culture.
Pensamientos uses pansies to reveal a playful world of magical connections between colors, emotions, and the power of our thoughts. (Spanish)
 Author Yolanda Puente Balcazar
Yolanda Puente Balcazar is a native of Cali, Colombia with thirty one years of experience as an educator! She has a passion for writing books and poetry.
Tita is a little turtle who lives in the rainforest. She is about to turn five and her mom wants to give her a nice celebration. However, things don’t come out as expected. You never know how things may turn out when you decide to surprise somebody.  (Spanish)
Author LaRupra
A native of Bogotá, Colombia, Dallán Ruiz Prada (or LaRupra, as she is known in the literary world), studied library science and has worked for many years in public and university libraries. 
“Baloo, el perro tragón” is a mischievous puppy that wants to eat everything he comes across. Simonna, his sister is the storyteller in this cute book that teaches us about the sweet relationship between kids and animals. (Bilingual)
 Author Andrea Ruiz
Andrea Ruiz is  an entrepreneur, author, and the co-founder of Girls Lead Summit, a peer-to-peer mentorship program for girls 8 to 14 years old.
After Mimi’s parents venture outside of Planet Lili in search of a better life for her and her little brother, she suddenly faces the seemingly impossible task of finding them in the vast Andromeda Galaxy. Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for the adventure of a lifetime as Mimi travels from planet to planet and unlocks her natural superpowers: integrity, kindness, gratitude, and self-love. Throughout her journey, she builds meaningful connections with her ancestors as well as her inner child.  
This story inspires readers of all ages to unlock their limitless potential, discover the magic inside themselves.


Author Elvira Rosales Ormseth
Elvira is an educator located in Memphis, TN. She grew up in Nicaragua, where she was fascinated with bull sharks and their unique habitat in Lake Nicaragua. While on a family vacation, she found the inspiration to write this book.
The story teaches about lake Nicaragua, bull sharks, and their ability to live in lakes as well as in the ocean. You can also see some other types of marine life that live in the area. Finally, there is message of friendship and kindness. (English).

The post Celebrate Books and the Planet appeared first on Cuentacuento.
