For families Archives - Cuentacuento Children stories by author Andrea Olatunji (Spanish & Bilingual) Wed, 21 Feb 2024 16:17:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 My favorite podcasts for bilingual & diverse families. Wed, 21 Feb 2024 16:15:04 +0000 Click to see article:

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What do children mean when they say they are bored at school? Wed, 21 Feb 2024 15:59:28 +0000 In my second book “Guillo, el armadillo”, the main character, Guillo, starts school happy and excited. He wants to learn and experience new things. Towards the end of the story, he is full of anxiety, doesn’t want to go to school, and, even worse, believes he is not “school material”. What happened? Does this resonate […]

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In my second book “Guillo, el armadillo”, the main character, Guillo, starts school happy and excited. He wants to learn and experience new things. Towards the end of the story, he is full of anxiety, doesn’t want to go to school, and, even worse, believes he is not “school material”. What happened?

Does this resonate at home for you?

Maybe not. You might be on the lucky side, but a recent study by Michael Furlong found that one in eight middle and high school students expressed strong negative beliefs about school, describing it as boring and of low value.

Furlong and his colleagues shed some light on what students may mean when they report boredom at school. Instead of viewing boredom as being limited to a particular subject or classroom, they studied students who report broader unfavorable school attitudes, or a “School Boredom Mindset.”

According to their review of the literature, school boredom may be a signal of internal mindsets, external situations, or a deeper emotional challenge:

·       Trouble with the subject matter or task demands (being over-challenged)

·       A need for more or new sources of stimulation (being under-challenged)

·       Limited interest or motivation in a particular subject

·       A mismatch between a student’s ability and the skill required to complete a task.

·       A low perceived value of what is being taught.

·       Disengagement and dissatisfaction

·       Helplessness and sadness

·       Depression, anxiety, apathy


What can you do as a parent if you think boredom is impacting your child’s well-being?

·      Don’t make assumptions. Instead, ask open-ended questions like, “What do you mean by boring?”, “Why do you think school is boring?”, “Tell me more, please”.

·      Find out what causes the feeling by asking questions like: “Is there a time at school when you are not bored?” “When did school start feeling boring to you?”.

This will help you gauge if the issue is that school is challenging, not so challenging, or if your child is having problems at a social or emotional level. You will be better informed to get the right help.


What to do as an educator or an institution?

·      Get to know your students. What are their passions and talents?

·      Use that to design your curriculum, evaluation formats, and your school culture in general.

·      Ask students for feedback.

At the end of my story, “Guillo” discovers his unique talent, and he is thrilled. When kids feel that they are valued, supported, and that they have something to contribute to their learning environments, school becomes fun.


If you would like to read more about this, I recommend these books: “How Children Fail” by John Holt: and “Don’t let School get in the Way of Education.” by Dr. Anane Olatunji. Releasing in 2024. Sign up to and receive a free chapter.








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20 Best Podcasts to learn Spanish Sun, 05 Nov 2023 15:08:19 +0000 I have shared my favorite podcasts in many occasions. Yes, I love them and I think they are a fun and effective way to learn or strengthen your Spanish. Many of you have asked me to share some podcasts for advanced students, so here I concentrated on those for the most part. Enjoy!

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I have shared my favorite podcasts in many occasions. Yes, I love them and I think they are a fun and effective way to learn or strengthen your Spanish. Many of you have asked me to share some more podcasts for advanced students, so here I concentrated on those for the most part. Enjoy!

For young children/beginners:

Spanish stories for kids:

Cuentos infantiles:

Storytime for Kids:

Érase una vez:

The Spanish experiment:

Simple stories in Spanish:

For intermediate learners:

Puro cuento:

Yo hablo, tú hablas:

¿Me lees un cuento?

For advanced/native speakers:

Los niños y Jimeno:


Tres cuentos:

Radio ambulante:

Coffee Break in Spanish:

News (slow in Spanish):

Charlas Hispanas:

How to Spanish:

Hoy hablamos:

Unlimited Spanish:

A zero to hero:

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10 COOL WAYS TO HELP YOUR KIDS LEARN SPANISH THIS SUMMER. Tue, 15 Jun 2021 15:30:00 +0000 Summer days are perfect for splashing in the ocean or pool. But what do you do with the kids during those scorching hours when it is not good to be outside? Help them learn some Spanish! These tips are fun and easy to implement. They are also a very natural way to acquire a language. […]

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Summer days are perfect for splashing in the ocean or pool. But what do you do with the kids during those scorching hours when it is not good to be outside? Help them learn some Spanish! These tips are fun and easy to implement. They are also a very natural way to acquire a language. And what’s best, YOU DON’T HAVE TO KNOW SPANISH! In fact, you can learn together! Enjoy and let me know how it went.

1. Read some books.

Reading stories is one of the best ways to learn vocabulary in a contextualized way. In addition to this, you can also teach a bit about the target culture. You don’t speak Spanish? No worries, many authors, especially independent ones, offer youtube channels where they read books. (They also offer free ebook downloads often) Here is mine: Andrea Olatunji Youtube Channel and here are a couple I can recommend: Lilo cuentos infantiles and SheySheyland

2. Listen to Spanish podcasts for kids.

On my previous blog post I shared some of my favorite podcasts: My favorite Spanish Podcasts for Kids. These are a fun and easy way to get your kids to enjoy some quiet time while they learn.

3. Do a home, store, or supermarket scavenger hunt.

You can make a bilingual list of food, clothes, furniture words, or any vocabulary you want to target. then, get kids to go on a scavenger hunt and find these things. If you are at the store, they can walk with you, tell you when they find one and check them on their list. You can use Google translate or a dictionary if you don’t know Spanish.

4.  Listen to songs and dance.

Music is fun, appealing, relaxing, and it gives kids an opportunity to get their wiggles out while indoors. Youtube offers a million examples if you search “Spanish songs for kids”. I have used the Cds Muevete and Cha Cha Cha with my students and they loved them. You can also download the songs from Amazon. Don’t focus on learning the lyrics. Just dance and watch what happens.

5. Make some art.

Kids can learn colors and shapes by creating a collage using these. Cut out shapes out of construction paper in different colors and listo! Encourage the kids to tell you what they created using the color and shape vocabulary.

6. Do some yoga or zumba in Spanish.

 Again, you can find a lot of examples on the Internet. Here is a good one: Zumba by Sara. She will give them a workout!

7.  Learn with PBS

PBS offers some good quality stuff. In any laguage. Oh Noah! is cute and fun!

8. Create your own flashcards. With audio and visuals!

I have mentioned this resource many times. It is that they are just so good and easy to make!  Tiny Cards allows you to make bilingual, visual, and audible cards. 

9. Arbol ABC offers games and activities for all levels.

Full of activities by subject and levels. Kids need to know some Spanish for most of these, as so do you to navigate the site. Arbol ABC

10. Take advantage of what Cuentacuento books have to offer. 

I created Cuentacuento Books to offer teachers and parents an opportunity to help their kids learn Spanish in a fun, meaningful, and contextualized way. Did you know my books have an educator’s guide with ten lesson plans, photocopiable activities, guiding questions, and project ideas? There are also vocabulary cards which are so much fun.  Check them out!

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My favorite Spanish Podcasts for Kids Mon, 07 Jun 2021 20:14:16 +0000 In the past couple of years, I have developed a true love for podcasts. I listen to them to learn new skills, to find spiritual inspiration, to enjoy stories with my son, and to teach!  These below are my top five favorite Spanish podcasts for kids. You can enjoy them with your young ones at […]

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In the past couple of years, I have developed a true love for podcasts. I listen to them to learn new skills, to find spiritual inspiration, to enjoy stories with my son, and to teach!

 These below are my top five favorite Spanish podcasts for kids. You can enjoy them with your young ones at home, or if you are a teacher, these can be an amazing resource in the classroom. 

CLICK ON EACH IMAGE TO ACCESS THE PODCAST. And let me know in the comments below if you have other suggestions or what you think about these ones.




Level: Intermediate/ Advanced

This is a great podcast with a high quality production. The narrator is a writer from the Dominican Republic and she is super warm and charming. 



Level: Beginners

The narrators are a bilingual Louisville based family with a background in Montessori education methods. They were recently named one of the “Best New Latinx Kids Music Groups” by Easy, fun, and high quality episodes. Perfect for beginners!




Level: Intermediate

Following the style of Sesame Place where kids are engaged in discussions, this podcast offers content on health, well-being, emotional topics, and school. 




Level: Intermediate

I love this conversational podcast based on the conversations Jimeno has with kids in his TV show. Perfect to use in the classroom as a conversation prompt or at home to practice your Spanish.




Level: Intermediate/ Advanced

I have used Duolingo’s Tiny Cards forever in my classes and my students love them. This podcast is another successful product by Duolingo. These are true stories, filled with cultural elements, narrated in easy to understand Spanish with English narration. Hosted by Martina Castro, co-founder of NPR’s Radio Ambulante. 



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